GoGecko - A Venture by Star Hygiene Solution Pvt Ltd. having its registered office at 41/27, Main Khandsa Road, Near Honda Showroom, Gurgaon, Haryana - 122001 (“GoGecko - A Venture by Star Hygiene Solution”) under the name and brand of GoGecko - A Venture by Star Hygiene Solution, has created and seeks to manage, operate and maintain a network of independent third party elder and home care service providers and Clients seeking such services.
GoGecko - A Venture by Star Hygiene Solution by way of its website and its mobile application is providing the services of arranging and scheduling elder care services and support services, including, invoicing and payment facilitation, resolving issues/queries/complaints/support tickets for its Clients and for independent third party elder care service providers who have joined GoGecko - A Venture by Star Hygiene Solution.
These Terms of Use (“Terms”) govern the access or use by you, an individual, of applications, websites, content, products, and services (the “Services”) made available by GoGecko - A Venture by Star Hygiene Solution . Your access and use of the Services constitute your agreement to be bound by these Terms, which establishes a contractual relationship between you and GoGecko - A Venture by Star Hygiene Solution . If you do not agree to these Terms, you may not access or use the Services. Therefore, please read these terms carefully before accessing or using the services.

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